By Tatev Hakobyan, Piruza Khalapyan, Gayane Harutyunyan
On September 27, war broke out in Artsakh, and it continues to this day. As a result of these events, the residents of Artsakh who moved to Yerevan and other towns and villages, are hosted by families, organizations, hotels, etc.
Armenians living in Armenia and abroad, as well as many foreigners, are doing everything possible to help people affected by the war. Accommodation, clothing, food, medicine, donations. The Social Security Service of the Republic of Armenia and other structures take care of these families with the help of volunteers.

“May all our loved ones come back soon”, the messsage of a young volunteer. Photo by Gayane Harutyunyan
Farewell to the servicemen. Phօto by Gayane Harutyunyan

Arabkir Military Commissariat. Farewell. Phօto by Tatev Hakobyan.
A women volunteer mobilization is being formed in the operative headquarters of the special purpose militia detachment, led by the member of OMON council, lieutenant colonel Marine Ayrumyan. All Armenian women under the age of 55 can apply with a passport to join The Women’s Volunteer Battalion. Phօto by Piruza Khalapyan

Anahit Yeghiazaryan, 20 years old, from the city of Gyumri.
Girls never had the opportunity to express themselves. In my opinion, this is the first time we can be next to our boys. If you are a girl, it doesn’t mean that you have to wait at home humbly. From the very first day of the war I decided to come and I was sure that I’ll come, and if I go there even to give someone a glass of water, I’m ready to go. My parents are OK with it, even my mom is OK. She says that we are a patriotic generation and that no one can stop us. And now when she found out that I’m here, she didn’t believe it at first, but then she said – well, who can argue with you?..Phօto by Piruza Khalapyan
Volunteer military training at VOMA Organisation (The Art of Survival). Phօto by Tatev Hakobyan

Weapon molds for VOMA trainings. Phօto by Tatev Hakobyan.
Volunteers sorting medicines to be sent to Artsakh at VOMA. Phօto by Tatev Hakobyan.

“Help Artsakh” Initiative was launched in the yard of the Yerevan State Chamber Theater, within the framework of which the volunteers collect clothes, medicine and food to send to Artsakh. Phօto by Gayane Harutyunyan
The volunteers work in shifts. They collect and store the goods 24 hours a day, send them to the residents of Artsakh and to the Artsakh Defense Army with more than 10 vehicles a day. Phօto by Gayane Harutyunyan

The aid collected with the efforts of the volunteers is being distributed to the families displaced by the war from Artsakh to Yerevan and other towns and villages. These families are being registered at the Social Security Service base and relocated to shelters. Phօto by Gayane Harutyunyan