This village is futilely beautiful.
The mills spin futilely.
They are building the house.

Perhaps imaginary ideas, memories of home, cherished feelings of regret and loss have forced me to return to the house I grew up in and find ways to engage with them.
The photo story is about home.
The camera, in this sense, is a means, with which I try to fill, complete these memories and make them more tangible.
It takes 2 hours to get home from Yerevan. The images accompanying the road, the silence, the privacy, pierced the boundaries of time and reality, making this journey more internal.
Now I am back. I am repairing my house by bringing out images from these surfaces, full of light, play, celebration and traces of childhood.
Dream-images, elusive like memories. Personal, pure, deceptive, distant.
- The house
- Photo of a photo. A fragment from my grandfather’s military uniform.

- The garage where my father spent most of his time.
Around the house.

Poor Father
Poor Mother
Poor Leila
I will not return anymore.
Poem by Rasul Yunan