I was studying photography and law 16 years ago. I didn’t become a lawyer, but I kept photographing until now. Yet once Elbakyans offered me to work at the theater as a sound operator. I was always thinking I wouldn’t probably stay at the theater long, but five years ago I discovered that I stayed.
The Marionette State Theater – founded in 1987- is operating more than thirty years now. Our theater is a family, we know the difficulties of one another, we are next to each other. It’s not us that are good or bad, it’s the smallness of the theater. It is a place where people do not demand things which are not possible to fulfil. People just love each other, spend time together. Sometimes the performance is so interestingly created that you want to stay, to become a part of the atmosphere.
That very atmosphere made me take up the project of making the portraits of the veterans of the Marionnette State Theater, who are real devotees.